Thursday, April 30, 2009

I was debating about writing this on here as I prefer to be positive but today I had a few tears. Today I would love to be home just for a little while to be with people I know well and that know me well. Someone that knows that I never wear the same color socks or someone that can recognize Im having a bad day without asking. This place is fantastic in so many ways but I just feel exhausted from the process of getting to know people. I have probably been trying too hard to do activities outside of capernwray. For example today I sang at an old folds home with the paster and his wife and another from church. We call ourselves the Cambridge quartet. We should almost be called the Cambridge triplets because I lipsing a lot of the lyrics once the notes get too high for me. I have a terrible voice but I try to compensate with more smile and I even threw in a few dance moves and a bit of snapping today. I had brought a bag of aples with me to give to the old people but when I tried to give them away everyone turned them away because their false teeth wont allow. That’s the last time I try to do something nice. haha
Anyway ill backtrack a little as I only told you about half of my two week break. After the blind camp I went to the coramandle which is an area of uttermost beauty. Part of the Narnia movie was filmed there. I don’t really know how to describe it other then when I saw it all I could think was “wow God.” He must have had so much fun creating new zealand. Afterwards I worked at a kids bible camp for two nights. I told the owner that he could put me to work for two days for free room and board. So my first job consisted of picking up fijoa skins that had already been chewed and spat out by the children. Yuck. (fijoa is a fruit that’s maybe a mix between passion fruit and kiwi but slimy) I made the most of it and tried to communicate with some of the kids while doing it but I could tell some of them were thinking “why would she want to come here to do that?” In the end i had a really good time. One night we had a dance and I borrowed a pretty yellow dress from one of the girls and danced the night away. It was so awesome to see that some of the kids came to Christ by the end. (of camp, not of the dance party) I feel so priveledged to be a believer and to freely be able to worship God however and whenever I want. We ahd missionaries come to our school and tell us about the persecution still happening to Christians around the world. The missionaries were bible translaters; a field of missionary work I often forget exits. There are 6991 languages in the world and there are 3000 that still do not have the gospel in their language. Makes me feel uneasy inside. There is so much work to be done in this world. We are blessed to not only have the bible at our fingertips but hundreds of theology books, sermons, DVDs and other Christian resources. I don’t know how to close this after a bit of a heavy ending but I must. The stars are out and that’s exciting after much rain so Im gonna dash.

Love Ollie

A few more NZ vs Canada differences

- so so many boys here grow rat tails. I have yet to figure out if it’s a joke or if they feel its attractive. I try not to sit behind them in church as it distracts me greatly. (and not because I think its attractive)
- hmm cant think of any more

cool video. not to do with my trip.

1 comment:

kat said...

Oh how I love reading about your adventures! Please I need you to go right to your face book. Quick!!!! I love you and im praying for ya. You are amazing and I am so blessed to love you!