Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hey all

So I have just finished working at the disability camp here at Capernwray. Most of the people were blind (about 40 people). Wow what a priviledge it is to have sight. I cannot even express how humbling this weekend was. Eight of us students were the eyes for the blind people. We led them where they wanted to go, put food on their plates and really spent time with them and listened to their stories. There was one meal where I was the only person at a table of eight with sight. The meal happened to be taco salad! I don’t think the cheff thought that decision through because it was exhausting. I circled the table and dished each person chips then meat, lettuce, cheese and sauces. Throughout the meal someone would ask for more cheese or whatever. So lets say the cheese was across the table from me and the person beside me asked for it… well I would wait a little while for it to get passed but then realized no one could see what dish was what. In fact they couldn’t even see that there was a dish at all so I would have to get up, go around the table and bring it back. During one meal I was lifting a fork of food to my mouth and it all dropped onto my lap. I felt a little embarrassed and looked around to see if anyone saw. Haha. I was in the clear. I could have had food all over my face and no one would have blinked an eye.

Anyhow, it was so awesome to experience how joyful the people were. They joked around about their disability as well. Someone would bump into me and they would say “oh sorry I didn’t see you there.” Really inspiring to see how God was predominant in their lives and that blindness did not affect their love for Christ. I think I would be angry if God took my vision! I value my surroundings more now then ever! Like seeing the different colors of leaves out here, so pretty! We went for a walk with the blind and I tried doing part of the walk with my eyes closed! Oh I did not last long. (partly because I was leading someone who was blind and that is a little dangerous). But the people sure are talented, some of them can play pretty cool instruments and one lady taught me how to waltz. A good ol time we had. Tomorrow I continue my travels of my two week break. Off too the Coramandle where there is good snorkeling and much beach. Yesterday I went to the Hamilton 400 which is a car race. My sensitive ears may be damaged but worth it. Catch you all later

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