Thursday, April 30, 2009

I was debating about writing this on here as I prefer to be positive but today I had a few tears. Today I would love to be home just for a little while to be with people I know well and that know me well. Someone that knows that I never wear the same color socks or someone that can recognize Im having a bad day without asking. This place is fantastic in so many ways but I just feel exhausted from the process of getting to know people. I have probably been trying too hard to do activities outside of capernwray. For example today I sang at an old folds home with the paster and his wife and another from church. We call ourselves the Cambridge quartet. We should almost be called the Cambridge triplets because I lipsing a lot of the lyrics once the notes get too high for me. I have a terrible voice but I try to compensate with more smile and I even threw in a few dance moves and a bit of snapping today. I had brought a bag of aples with me to give to the old people but when I tried to give them away everyone turned them away because their false teeth wont allow. That’s the last time I try to do something nice. haha
Anyway ill backtrack a little as I only told you about half of my two week break. After the blind camp I went to the coramandle which is an area of uttermost beauty. Part of the Narnia movie was filmed there. I don’t really know how to describe it other then when I saw it all I could think was “wow God.” He must have had so much fun creating new zealand. Afterwards I worked at a kids bible camp for two nights. I told the owner that he could put me to work for two days for free room and board. So my first job consisted of picking up fijoa skins that had already been chewed and spat out by the children. Yuck. (fijoa is a fruit that’s maybe a mix between passion fruit and kiwi but slimy) I made the most of it and tried to communicate with some of the kids while doing it but I could tell some of them were thinking “why would she want to come here to do that?” In the end i had a really good time. One night we had a dance and I borrowed a pretty yellow dress from one of the girls and danced the night away. It was so awesome to see that some of the kids came to Christ by the end. (of camp, not of the dance party) I feel so priveledged to be a believer and to freely be able to worship God however and whenever I want. We ahd missionaries come to our school and tell us about the persecution still happening to Christians around the world. The missionaries were bible translaters; a field of missionary work I often forget exits. There are 6991 languages in the world and there are 3000 that still do not have the gospel in their language. Makes me feel uneasy inside. There is so much work to be done in this world. We are blessed to not only have the bible at our fingertips but hundreds of theology books, sermons, DVDs and other Christian resources. I don’t know how to close this after a bit of a heavy ending but I must. The stars are out and that’s exciting after much rain so Im gonna dash.

Love Ollie

A few more NZ vs Canada differences

- so so many boys here grow rat tails. I have yet to figure out if it’s a joke or if they feel its attractive. I try not to sit behind them in church as it distracts me greatly. (and not because I think its attractive)
- hmm cant think of any more

cool video. not to do with my trip.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hey all

So I have just finished working at the disability camp here at Capernwray. Most of the people were blind (about 40 people). Wow what a priviledge it is to have sight. I cannot even express how humbling this weekend was. Eight of us students were the eyes for the blind people. We led them where they wanted to go, put food on their plates and really spent time with them and listened to their stories. There was one meal where I was the only person at a table of eight with sight. The meal happened to be taco salad! I don’t think the cheff thought that decision through because it was exhausting. I circled the table and dished each person chips then meat, lettuce, cheese and sauces. Throughout the meal someone would ask for more cheese or whatever. So lets say the cheese was across the table from me and the person beside me asked for it… well I would wait a little while for it to get passed but then realized no one could see what dish was what. In fact they couldn’t even see that there was a dish at all so I would have to get up, go around the table and bring it back. During one meal I was lifting a fork of food to my mouth and it all dropped onto my lap. I felt a little embarrassed and looked around to see if anyone saw. Haha. I was in the clear. I could have had food all over my face and no one would have blinked an eye.

Anyhow, it was so awesome to experience how joyful the people were. They joked around about their disability as well. Someone would bump into me and they would say “oh sorry I didn’t see you there.” Really inspiring to see how God was predominant in their lives and that blindness did not affect their love for Christ. I think I would be angry if God took my vision! I value my surroundings more now then ever! Like seeing the different colors of leaves out here, so pretty! We went for a walk with the blind and I tried doing part of the walk with my eyes closed! Oh I did not last long. (partly because I was leading someone who was blind and that is a little dangerous). But the people sure are talented, some of them can play pretty cool instruments and one lady taught me how to waltz. A good ol time we had. Tomorrow I continue my travels of my two week break. Off too the Coramandle where there is good snorkeling and much beach. Yesterday I went to the Hamilton 400 which is a car race. My sensitive ears may be damaged but worth it. Catch you all later

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Im on two week break right now and half way done allready. Myself and car partner Naomi had quite the adventure allready. We went from a 5 star hotel in a big city (that we stayed at for free with a generous friend) to being on a island that we backpacked on. We ran through the city with our tenting gear on our backs and juuust caught the ferry to an island called Waihikee. We survived the week on a bucket of leftover chicken from school, a loaf of bread and some banannas. Upon arrival we stuck out our thumbs and got picked up pretty quickly. It helps to face traffic smiling huge! We stayed at a very strange hostel called fossil farms bay (well, we are cheap so we tented at it). Just the name sounds strange doesnt it? the people were incredibly earthy there and it seemed as though no one on the island works. strangers have plenty of time to chat so we met lots of locals. The island is gorgeous and one of my highlights was probably running through an olive orchard. I love olives so of course I popped one into my mouth. An unripe olive is the worst taste you can imagine. I tried to mask the look of disgust on my face with a look that said "mmm that was tasty" so that my friend would try an olive too. she did it! yuck! We were very active on this island and did some sea kyaking, hike and bike ride, swimming too. God provided everything we needed and kept us safe and we made sure to praise him for that. Me and Naomi really keep each other accountable when it comes to our prayer lives. There is something to be said about praying in beautiful surroundings. Makes one appreciate how big our God is.

It felt real weird comming back to a big city of busyness. Lots of people looked at us funny, im sure we looked pretty grungy as we sat in an ice cream shop. But we didnt care, we were so full of joy. Right now I am back at school helping out at a disability camp for blind and deaf people. They arrive in a few hours! It will be a very humbling experience and Im excited for it. We take so much for granted, something as simple yet so complex as sight! As i look at my clothes today they surely do not match but guess what, for this crowd it really wont matter:)

ill fill you in after the weekend. many blessings
love ollie

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hello readers and thanks 4 tuning in

Id love to fill you all in so that’s just what ill do! Tomorrow our two week break begins. Well, actually it began on Friday but I have been the cook here at capernwray for an arts festival all weekend. I even made a paper chef hat to fit the part. Someone said it looked more like a baking hat and I got pretty upset. But its been a lot of fun, nine of us have been here all weekend (them all being choir members) and I have gotten to know some of them better. Tonight myself and friend Calvin connected a string from his room to my room with cups on the ends so we could communicate better. Haha oh we laughed. Earlier a few of us went to an easter event called “stations at the cross” where artists put together scenes of the crusifiction in creative ways. One station in particular touched my heart… A pit was dug in the ground like a grave with the metal rods around it and a wooden box in the pit. People were free to take soil and put it in the grave. It was an eerie feeling to know that in time this is where our bodies rest. Earth is just a snapshot in comparison to eternity and it made me want to live with more purpose, more joy, reach more people, help more in need, embrace those small things in life and generally just make more of a difference.

Another station had a tunnel to walk through with words like “excruciating, torment, humiliation, and nails” printed on billboards. Words to describe what Jesus went through on the cross, dying not only an extremely painful death but an emotionally painful death as well. Overall it was a humbling experience that I have really valued.

Beginning tomorrow I will be traveling on the north island for a week with my car partner Naomi. We have no destinations and no timeline or plan but theres plently to see. I love spontinutiy. Being the cook this weekend I am responsible for throwing out any food that might get old during the break. Thought it would be a great opportunity to throw some left overs in a cooler to nibble on. It excites me to save money on food. The last week of break Ill jump around a bit and live at a pastors house few nights and possibly travel to wellington with Cal. My plans continue to change all the time. Again, that’s the beauty of spontinuity. Sometimes the most fun is had when theres no agenda. I have never had such a laid back attitude as I have here in New Zealand and I kind of hope it sticks with me in Canada. I truly believe that’s why I have been sleeping better… don’t have anything to worry about and I go to sleep with a clear mind (usually). I thank God for this often as I had many awake nights this autumn.
So that’s a few new tid bits in my life… if you ever feel like fillin me in I do have an address that I get free internet time on which is Have a nice easter Monday. Love olivia

Few more NZ/Canada differences

-they eat the skin of kiwis. The kiwis out here are not as furry as ours and are more yellow. At first when I started eating the skin I did not like it as I was taking too small of bites and not getting enough fruit with the skin. Now I have embraced this knowledge that if you take bigger bites the skin is a delicacy.

-police cars everywhere. I have randomly been breathalized in a grocery store parking lot. Possibly because my car looks like it should not be on the road
I cannot even describe how different the cop cars look from ours. Checkered racing stripes on bother sides. Almost seems like a joke.

-pon shops are called op shops

-get sunburnt real fast. My olive toned first nations skin comes in handy

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Alas its time for me to write again. Tonight I am writing from my very own private room. I have not had a room to myself for 2 whole months now so I write with great contentment. I have music up, a towl on my head and a little snack in the microwave. Its strange, the microwave and stove are in the bathroom. Its really is not logical. Im in a town called Hastings working along side a church called “the living fath.” The other eight students on the team all went to billets homes in pairs but I volunteered to stay in this little shack. There is something I love about spending some time alone. All I need now is a fire place and rocking chair. Tis getting a bit chilli in here. Although I do have a blanket that heats up when I plug it in. Unfortunatly I have never been exposed to one of these so I didn’t know there were three settings, wow does it get hot. I have been sleeping in pants and a long sleeve so the hot blanket wouldn’t scald my skin. Up until right now! I just put the setting on number one. I feel the blanket is actually quite dangerous. But anyway this room is cool because I can stay up with the lights on as late as I want. Ive decided not to read leisure books anymore, if I have time on my hands then I figure its more worthwhile to get to know the bible better. I loved this verse I just read “satisfy me in the morning, with your unfailing love, that I may sing for joy and be glad all day.” Psalm 90:14. Beautiful.
Anyhow, I am going into too much detail again and a day is a terrible thing to wast so Ill tell you a little about our ministry week here in hastings. We have been doing some door to door evangelism. I have always had mixed feelings about this form of spreading the gospel but this was the task we were given and so I thought I may as well do it whole heartedly. Like a jehova witness would. Haha. Ill tell you, I have never had to rely on Gods strength so much. Going to my first door was scary. I sent up a quick prayer for the person on the other side of the door and shakily knocked. (I also secretly prayed that they would not be home, but of course they were). A lady answered and we told her we were from bible school and shared a little about ourselves… low and behold she invited me and my buddy nick in. after more small talk we asked her if she knew anyone who personally knew Jesus Christ. Silence for a moment, followed by the word “no.” this was the response of many people throughout our days. ah, makes my heart sad. Here I am at the doorstep and feel like I have a huge priveledge in knowing the truth. God has chosen me to be a follower of Christ and yet its very difficult to tactfully send this message to others. One neat thing is that no one can argue when you talk about a personal experience so I focused on talking about how God has worked in my life and that my joy is in his strength. I really wish I knew more scripture and theology but I have a lot to learn so sharing my walk with God was really all I had. I visited with one lady who had a very negative view of the church and left her door feeling like we had not gotten anywhere. I walked all the way down the street and just could not get her off my mind. I figured it may be God telling me to go back. So I just walked faster as I really did not want to go back. In the end I ended up back on her doorstep and gave her a small Gideon new testament and told her if she had some time, it’s a well worth read, that it holds the truth, and that it has changed many lives including minw. So who knows what will happen with that sweet lady. Before each door knock God knew which doors would be shut on us (there were many) and he knew which people would invite us in. I learned that everything is in his control and that we are just there being his feet. He is the heart. Pretty cool stuff.

**** back at capernwray

Yup, after this I will be on two week break and decided to stick around Cambridge. In sillyness I volunteered to cook for the easter service choir and staff members at school here for one weekend. I really talked up my cooking skills so now I am the one and only one cooking! For many many people. What have I done? Haha. I think ill purchase a chefs hat so I can at least look the part. And other then that, I plan to spend time with some of the girls from the church I attend, maybe do some painting at this other church and possibly work at a camp a bit. Save my travel time for july. Alls good. Ill write again soon.

Xoxo - ohliv