Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hello readers and thanks 4 tuning in

Id love to fill you all in so that’s just what ill do! Tomorrow our two week break begins. Well, actually it began on Friday but I have been the cook here at capernwray for an arts festival all weekend. I even made a paper chef hat to fit the part. Someone said it looked more like a baking hat and I got pretty upset. But its been a lot of fun, nine of us have been here all weekend (them all being choir members) and I have gotten to know some of them better. Tonight myself and friend Calvin connected a string from his room to my room with cups on the ends so we could communicate better. Haha oh we laughed. Earlier a few of us went to an easter event called “stations at the cross” where artists put together scenes of the crusifiction in creative ways. One station in particular touched my heart… A pit was dug in the ground like a grave with the metal rods around it and a wooden box in the pit. People were free to take soil and put it in the grave. It was an eerie feeling to know that in time this is where our bodies rest. Earth is just a snapshot in comparison to eternity and it made me want to live with more purpose, more joy, reach more people, help more in need, embrace those small things in life and generally just make more of a difference.

Another station had a tunnel to walk through with words like “excruciating, torment, humiliation, and nails” printed on billboards. Words to describe what Jesus went through on the cross, dying not only an extremely painful death but an emotionally painful death as well. Overall it was a humbling experience that I have really valued.

Beginning tomorrow I will be traveling on the north island for a week with my car partner Naomi. We have no destinations and no timeline or plan but theres plently to see. I love spontinutiy. Being the cook this weekend I am responsible for throwing out any food that might get old during the break. Thought it would be a great opportunity to throw some left overs in a cooler to nibble on. It excites me to save money on food. The last week of break Ill jump around a bit and live at a pastors house few nights and possibly travel to wellington with Cal. My plans continue to change all the time. Again, that’s the beauty of spontinuity. Sometimes the most fun is had when theres no agenda. I have never had such a laid back attitude as I have here in New Zealand and I kind of hope it sticks with me in Canada. I truly believe that’s why I have been sleeping better… don’t have anything to worry about and I go to sleep with a clear mind (usually). I thank God for this often as I had many awake nights this autumn.
So that’s a few new tid bits in my life… if you ever feel like fillin me in I do have an address that I get free internet time on which is Have a nice easter Monday. Love olivia

Few more NZ/Canada differences

-they eat the skin of kiwis. The kiwis out here are not as furry as ours and are more yellow. At first when I started eating the skin I did not like it as I was taking too small of bites and not getting enough fruit with the skin. Now I have embraced this knowledge that if you take bigger bites the skin is a delicacy.

-police cars everywhere. I have randomly been breathalized in a grocery store parking lot. Possibly because my car looks like it should not be on the road
I cannot even describe how different the cop cars look from ours. Checkered racing stripes on bother sides. Almost seems like a joke.

-pon shops are called op shops

-get sunburnt real fast. My olive toned first nations skin comes in handy

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