Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So here I am in my favourite spot, the hammock of sharing time. All I can hear is the cows chewing the grass. As I watch them, none of them are not eating. Its their whole life eating that grass, well one of them is eating a tree branch now. Then realized its not as good and went back to the grass. Makes me glad to have a personality. They chew a lot more then humans considering they have four stomachs.
Tonight most of the girls went to the directors house to watch a five hour movie… I knew I did not have the attention span for that so I am back on campus where all the boys are “gaming.” I kind of threw a fit so we agreed that they would only play the computer games for an hour …so I figured this would be a nice opportunity to catch up. When the girls get back we are having our first sleepover. Im a little nervous! I think I will prepare a snack. Possibly some apple crisp from the apple tree. Yes, they would like that. I better go pick up some ice cream as well. I wouldn’t want to turn up at this party without treats.
Continuing on, I am learning SO much here that my mind hurts. But the good kind. …. I find much joy in talking about heaven so I thought I would just expand a little about what our prof. said today about eternity. God created everything we enjoy now in 6 days and his creation is incredible. So can you imagine what heaven will be like if hes been working on it for 2 millenniums. Im not sure if I totally agree that hes continually improving heaven but it did get me thinking. He has prepared this wonderful place for us and says that he will personally be coming back to get us! I can hardly wait. I was reminded of the verse that I read to Grandma when she was so sick… “No eye can see, no ear can hear, no mind can conceive what God has in store for those who love him.” Heaven is just simply waay to big to fit into our small minds. So if this place is so incredible we should be living our short lives with such purpose. We should be pursing God every day for no personal benefit. At Capernwray its easy to spend time with God but I know back at home I would try to fit Christian activities in an already full week. But whos week is it? God gave me the hours in this week and they are HIS hours, but its up to me to choose how to spend them. The people at the church I attend have really shown me an example of spending time on changing lives. Some people are so passionate about changing lives that they will spend many extra hours ministering in small ways which in the end make big differences. I could go on and on about all that I learn… but Ill save some for next time.

**** next day***
I was about to write a little more and then send this but suddenly had the feeling I needed to just leave school for a bit on the gorgeous sun. afternoon. Im going to visit a friend now and am a little nervous about the drive. Its only 20 minutes but that’s a long way of not knowing if Im driving the right way… wish me well, continue soon.


Oh my goodness, this blog report is taking me so long to send. I am back from my driving adventure and am now sitting in my bed. This WILL get sent tonight. Im eating an apple in bed and am on the top bunk… so of course I have the core in hand. Normally I would just throw it on the ground but we have been having ant problems from me previously throwing down my food scraps so I decided to just eat the core and seeds so I don’t wake anyone by crawling down. Of course I choke on it and all three are now awake. Whoops. Anyway the 20 min drive and visit went lovely, its such a gorgeous drive. I defiantly had the windows down and music loud. Reminds me of the time I did not hear a police officer pulling me over with lights and sirens. Me and my friend hung out by the lake and I taught her how to drive. Tonight back at school we had fellowship which is a time to reflect on the week. I cannot tell you how much reflecting we do here. They either call it reflecting or debriefing. They probably have two words for it to make it seem like its something different but really it’s the exact same. But I am not trying to make fun, it’s a good thing. That was just me debriefing really.

What else have I done exciting… had fish and chips for the first time out here. They package it in news paper and it really adds to the atmousphere of the event, and maybe even to the flavour. Especially when you eat it on the beach and a little sand gets in the tartar sauce. (with the kiwi accent it just sounds like tata sauce. Can you hear it?) seagulls also really add to the atmousphere but I learnt not to feed them the chips too early as they really take over the conversation and view.

In closing, ill just add that my highlight has been my answered prayer in being motivated to get into the bible. It does not feel like a chore anymore and I hope this does not go away. Whats cool is that its not just a set time for a devotion (which is good too) but a desire to read a passage or have a quick chat with God in the afternoon, or evening or in the supermarket or a parking lot. lately the Datsuns open trunk has been my area for morning devotion cuz the grass is so wet…. Maybe that’s why the car has been running so well lately. Its just a purring. I really hope it lasts a few more months. Ill add photos soon. K well hope this essay makes up for the lack of blogging. Lots of love xoxo -OLLI

Monday, March 9, 2009

natural beauty pics

I have so much to say! My goodness time is flying by. The three of my roommates are fast asleep as I write this so I’m trying to be very sneaky and type quietly. I love late evenings where I can sit in my bunk and recap the day’s events and what I have learnt. I often have a snack at this time but unfortunately all I have right now is rice crackers and they are about the loudest thing to eat.
So lets start with some news… I am a proud owner of a 1979 Datsun. It’s a very old car, the van idea did not work out. People stare. Maybe they are impressed? Ill be sure to post a photo. The car does drive stick and I have gotten the hang of that. Me and Naomi (the girl I bought it with) have had so so much fun in it. We have prayed in it, laughed in it, ran out of gas, gone on beach trips, and played some very loud music in it, with at least one arm out the window at all times. I am very thankful for her friendship. We have tried to make our vehicle pleasing to the lord so we are going to transplant a plant or maybe some moss into the cup holder (to remind us of nature, of course), and we always read a passage from the message before get into gear. The staff here also asked me to get my drivers license for the 10 seat passenger vans as they seem to think im one of the mature students that can handle this task. (also shift.) It’s a massive vehicle and I feel pretty responsible for the lives in it so I drive real cautiously. I ask the students to be quiet when I drive it for full concentration. No music aloud yet. I drove it for the first time last week and drive it every Thursday to something called “bible in schools.” This is where a few of us have been assigned to a classroom of 30 students (mines age 8-9) and teach them a bible lesson for half an hour each week. For a lot of the kids it’s the only time they ever hear about Jesus. My lesson this week is on generosity and Im really excited about it. Last week was an introductory class so myself and another girl brought the kids a Canadian flag and told them about stuff like frostbite, how we don’t have possums, and how the moons different. Then I got them to draw pictures of stuff to help me learn… One thing that I am having a hard time grasping onto is all the different meanings of the word “kiwi.” If you just say kiwi, its talking about the people who are native to new Zealand. If your talking about the fruit you have to say “kiwi fruit” and if your talking about the bird you have to say “kiwi bird.” It’s a learning process.
Today five of us girls made a video about beauty that we are going to show all the girls next Sunday night. No make up was allowed, plain clothes, undone hair. (twas a little tough for me!) We interviewed each other on what inner beauty means to us, what scripture tells us about beauty… etc and took some natural photos. (I think I posted a few, hence the ones of me alone).

I know my CMU friends love hearing about the differences between our countries so heres just a few to chew on
1. when there is lots of something everyone says “heaps.”
2. sandles are jandles and you cannot drive with them on. Barefoot is acceptable for driving of course, where as for us its illegal.
3. glow worms
4. people call each other “mate”. Clever I suppose if you don’t know somoenes name
5. many enjoy a disgusting “marmalade” on their toast. I cant even describe it but it’s a yeast spread.
6. tim tam slams

One of my roommates just woke up as my typing got a little vigerous… so goodnight!

Ps- mom, oddly I am remembering I had a dentist appointment this spring, would you do me a huge favour and cancel that. How are my renters? Paying on time? sorry, this is rude, ill just write u a personal email. Think of u oftenJ

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I have been looking forward to today for a while now. Today is a day we are not suppose to speak to anyone. An entire day for God! I am almost nervous. Really I should not even be writing this but I just got so excited that I had to share. I biked to the town library early this morning as I knew I could not be around campus to take this seriously. Stopped to look at some sheep as I knew they would not tempt me to talk. Well I suppose I did talk a little to try to get them to come closer with no success. So I go into the library and realize there are way too many people in there to distract me so I go back out and sit on a bench. I pray to God “please let me make this day without talking.” I open my bible and pretty much right away a lady approaches me and says “that’s a great book to get to know, isn’t it.” So now Im trapped and try not to be rude so I just go “mmmm mmmhmmm.” And I think I even gave her a thumbs up, something I try not to do too often. But of course she presses on and tells me a few ways God has worked in her life. Im nodding my head a lot at this point. Suddenly I come to the realization that maybe im taking this a little too serious so we did end up having a brief discussion about the power of the bible. I feel like when you meet a stranger with one big commonality: faith in the same Jesus, you walk away not being strangers anymore. That’s how I felt anyway. She touched my day, and hopefully I touched hers in a similar way.

Ok, now I have left the library bench and I have five hours left of silence. I am going to find a place to have my ham sandwich, and continue to learn, maybe by a nice river. Thank you for listening.